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  • Safer chemicals resources

    Access safer chemical and materials tools and resources specifically designed for the health care sector
  • Country Focus: India

    Substituting Mercury-Based Devices in IndiaA lot has happened after a small report was released which documented the yearly release of this toxic heavy metal from health facilities using mercury based instruments and products. Many hospitals turned mercury free voluntarily and a few more shifted recently after the Delhi government order to phase out the use of mercury in the hospitals. To be mercury-free might be a voluntary decision for a few more years, but as environmental laws and quality accreditations become stricter this might be a mandatory requirement soon. Thus it is time for all of us to do some introspection and start changing. The experiences of people who have changed have been documented in the report and a small chronicle of what has happened on the mercury front has been profiled to help people in their journey to go ‘mercury free’.Download the complete document hereYou can...
  • Projects

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  • Country Focus: Nepal

    Strength From Disaster on the Anniversary of Nepal EarthquakeOne year on from the devastating Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal, which killed more that 8,000 people, injured 22,000 and damaged or destroyed some thousand hospitals or health care centers, Health Care Without Harm, with strategic partner Health Care Foundation Nepal (HECAF), and Tzu Chi Foundation (Taiwan), organized a conference to disseminate lessons learned over the last twelve months and develop strategies to increase the resilience of the healthcare sector against similar events in the future. The conference,“Strength from Disaster: Lessons from the Gorkha earthquake and other global crises as catalysts to create a resilient health care system”was organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Association of Private Health Institution Nepal, Association of Non-Government Hospitals and the World Health Organization, at the Hotel Annapurna, Kathmandu, Nepal on 26th and 27th April 2016 (14th and 15th Baisakh 2073). [[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"5411","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"270","style":"display...
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