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    Health Care Without Harm has developed this webpage as a resource center for our partners around the world, for members of our Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Network, and for the broader community engaged at the intersection of environment, climate change and health.
  • The Healthcare Market Transformation Network

    With the creation of the Healthcare Market Transformation Network, we aim to address the need for harmonised sustainable procurement criteria that are tailored to products and services purchased by the healthcare sector.
  • Procurement

    Documents, guidelines, and resources to guide your sustainable procurement.
  • VIDEO | Southeast Asia calls for Climate-resilient Healthcare Systems; featuring all-women healthcare champions

    Featuring women doctors, nurses, and health workers as healthcare climate action champions, Southeast Asia amplifies the call for the sector's collective engagement to decarbonize the health facilities, advance climate action in the region, and prevent future pandemics.Share this video onlinePart of this initiative is to get an overview of the healthcare climate action interest in the region, if you are inclined to participate or learn more about this movement, please answer this short survey:Become a Healthcare Climate Action Champion!This video was made possible by the participation of Global Green and Healthy Hospital (GGHH) Members in Bhutan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and HCWH Partner in Australia, Griffith University.
  • Our team

    Health Care Without Harm uses a unique structure of collaboration to affect our change sector wide. Our team includes employees of Health Care Without Harm, environmental and health organizations, institutions and independent consultants.
  • Sustainable procurement in health care guide: Social media images

    Part of the Sustainable procurement guide promotion package, these images are free to download and use across all social media platforms and communications channels. Simply right click to save, and be sure to tag Health Care Without Harm on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, so we can amplify your message.
  • Doctors for Greener Healthcare

    Doctors for Greener Healthcare is a network that brings together doctors from across Europe to collaborate, share best practice, and advocate for a healthy future by reducing the environmental impact of healthcare.
    Doctors for Greener Healthcare
  • BECOME A GGHH MEMBER TODAY | Movement towards healthcare climate resilience and sustainability

    Imagine hospitals, health practitioners, health systems, and health organizations from around the world working together for a healthier, more sustainable planet for the people.The Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) community has over 1,350 members in 72 countries who represent the interests of more than 43,000 hospitals and health centers.Our members are using innovation, ingenuity, and investment to transform the health sector and foster a healthy future for people and the planet.BECOME A MEMBER TODAY - CLICK TO SIGN UPGlobal Green and Health Hospitals (GGHH) Network has its foundation in a comprehensive framework of 10 interconnected sustainability goals for the health sector to address and promote greater sustainability and environmental health.LeadershipChemicalsWasteEnergyWaterFoodPharmaceuticalsBuildingsPurchasingTransportationGGHH is a global program of Health Care Without HarmFor more info on how to become a member, you may send an email to
  • Compras sostenibles - Esquema PHVA

    En esta sección, se presentan los recursos desarrollados bajo el esquema PHVA (Planificar, Hacer, Verificar, Actuar), con el objetivo de que los miembros de la Red Global de Hospitales Verdes y Saludables y demás personas interesadas puedan encontrar guías y orientaciones para cada una de las etapas, desde la planeación hasta la comunicación de los resultados y los logros mediante la generación de informes.
  • Circular Healthcare

    The healthcare sector must move away from unnecessary single-use products and toxic chemicals and become a torchbearer for sustainable supply chains. That means pushing for reusable, non-toxic solutions that save natural resources, reduce waste, and are better for patients, budgets, and the planet.
    medical team perform surgical operation
  • Periodismo y cambio climático | Guía para la cobertura periodística desde un enfoque de salud

    Descargue la guía para periodistas y vea el video del seminario web de lanzamiento, realizado el 2 de diciembre de 2020.
  • Operation Zero

    Operation Zero is a groundbreaking project that will put the European healthcare sector on the path to net zero carbon emissions.
    Operation Zero - windmill on island