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  • Join us for Climate Week New York City!

    Explore the exciting agenda for #CWNYC and join our delegation for a series of events and activities…

    Climate Week NYC 2024
  • Climate Impact Checkup

    Health care’s GHG emissions calculator
  • 20th Anniversary Message from the Regional Advisory Council Chair

     Dear Colleagues and Friends in HCWH,  It is my great pleasure and honor to have this opportunity to commemorate 20th Anniversary of HCWH. In human life cycle, 20-year-old is mostly energetic, visionary, and optimistic. HCWH is now ready to change the world in health and environment arena.  I have been working with HCWH for about five years now and am proud to be a part of this excellent organization for protecting the health of people and the planet from adverse environmental changes now and in the near future. I have been impressed by how efficiently and friendly they are working together in regional and global offices.  HCWH has been creating “value” which gives us important messages that health care should be environmentally responsible and first do no harm. This messages need to be delivered to all health care professionals all...
  • Message from the Board of Trustees

    Bridging Global Environmental Health Concerns and Local Health Priorities  Health Care Without Harm's campaign in Asia began by calling the attention of the people in the health care industry on the harmful environmental effects and health impact of burning medical waste. As the emerging economies in Asia grow stronger, health care  is one of the sectors projected to expand significantly in the coming years and Health Care Without Harm must- and intends- to be a a partner of hospitals in shaping the future of the health care industry in Asia. As the health care industry develops in this part of the world, policies need to be gradually put in place and I see the expertise and experience of Health Care Without Harm in facilitating the cross pollination of ideas among various hospitals in different countries and legal jurisdictions. The challenges for the health...
  • 20 Years In, We're Just Getting Started

    Celebrating Health Care Without Harm’s 20th anniversary, Gary Cohen reflects on the last two decades in the environmental health movement and offers an opportunity for health care to redefine its role in the 21st century. When we started Health Care Without Harm, we hardly knew anyone who worked in the health care sector. We were mostly outsiders, community activists who had been working for decades in the environmental movement. But we knew we needed powerful allies to transform this emerging science linking the environment to our health into action that would protect our children, our families, our communities. We needed health care.Back then, new science revealed that low-dose exposures of toxic chemicals in the first thousands days of a child’s life could create a host of health problems later in life, including cancer, learning disabilities, infertility, and other chronic diseases. At the same time, we began to...
  • Aniversario | Testimonio de Gary Cohen, fundador de Salud sin Daño

    Con motivo de la celebración del 20° aniversario de Salud sin Daño en septiembre de 2016, su fundador, Gary Cohen, reflexiona sobre las últimas dos décadas en el movimiento por la salud ambiental y plantea una oportunidad para que el sector de la salud redefina su papel en el siglo XXI. Cuando creamos Salud sin Daño, casi no conocíamos a nadie que trabajara en el sector de la salud. Éramos mayormente ajenos a este ámbito: activistas de la comunidad que habíamos estado trabajando por décadas en el movimiento ambientalista. Pero sabíamos que necesitábamos aliados poderosos para traducir esta ciencia emergente que vinculaba el ambiente con nuestra salud en acciones concretas que protegieran a nuestros hijos, a nuestras familias y a nuestras comunidades. Necesitábamos al sector de la salud.Por ese entonces, nuevos hallazgos científicos revelaron que la exposición a bajas dosis de sustancias químicas tóxicas durante los primeros mil...
  • Donate

    Your direct donations allow us to work on issues that don’t always make front-page headlines yet affect the health of people and the environment in many ways.
  • Política de privacidad

    Última revisión: 12 de enero de 2021 (English version here)INTRODUCCIÓN Propósito. El propósito de esta Política de Privacidad es describir cómo Salud sin Daño y Practice Greenhealth (en conjunto, «HCWH», «nuestro/a», «nuestros/as» o «nosotros») recopilamos, usamos y compartimos información acerca de usted por medio de las distintas interfaces en línea (por ejemplo, sitios web y aplicaciones móviles) que nos pertenecen y controlamos, incluidos los sitios noharm-uscanada.org, www.noharm-europe.org, www.noharm-global.org, www.noharm-asia.org, www.saludsindano.org, www.practicegreenhealth.org, www.greenhospitals.net, gghhconnect.org, cleanmed.org, cleanmedeurope.org, safermedicaldevices.org, saferpharma.org, foodforhealthcare.org, pequenioscuidados.org, hospitalesporlasaludambiental.nety www.saudesemdano.org (en adelante denominados en conjunto el «Sitio»). Lea atentamente esta Política para comprender lo que hacemos. En caso de que no entienda alguno de los aspectos de nuestra Política de Privacidad, no dude en escribirnos o siga los pasos detallados al final de la presente.Nuestra Política de Privacidad describe los siguientes aspectos:Información...
  • Safer Pharma campaign

    The Safer Pharma campaign was launched in 2016 by HCWH Europe to pressure the European Commission to publish the overdue strategic approach to pollution of water by pharmaceutical substances required by Article 8c of EC Directive 2013/39/EU.
  • REGISTRATION | 5th Green Hospitals Asian Conference

    VIEW PROGRAM HEREHealth Care Without Harm in Asia’s mission is to transform healthcare in the region as a green and resilient sector so as to protect public health from climate change, one that leverages health care leadership and purchasing power so as to drive policies and markets towards sustainability. The 5th Green Hospitals Asian Conference led by the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) Network in the region, plays an instrumental role in bringing such a mission to reality. The main objective of the conference is to set the 5-year roadmap that will pave the way for Asian healthcare as major stakeholder engaged in climate actions and policies in-country and in the region.  Such will feature the following key elements: climate adaptation and resilience, mitigation and leadership within the Asian healthcare realities.Specific Objectives...