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  • Climate Learning Initiative - Hospital Universitario Austral, Argentina

    The hospital blood collection process was completely restructured at medical laboratories. This included updating technology, which is more efficient in terms of energy consumption and blood volume needed. The process went from using one blood tube for each area to using only one for all lab areas. Besides improving the quality of patient service, this update resulted in 900 kg of biomedical waste avoided per year, which in turn avoids the release of more than 15,200 kg CO2e a year.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Royal Darwin Hospital, Australia

    This volunteer-led initiative activated the community, health workforce, and climate researchers to implement low-cost biophilic native landscaping within constraints of legacy infrastructure and funding scarcity. The project promotes staff and patient well-being, adaptation to a warming climate, support for the unfolding Australian biodiversity crisis, and enhances Indigenous cultural safety.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Hospital Santa Izabel, Brazil

    The Santa Casa de Misericordia da Bahia – Hospital Santa Izabel (HSI) has structured a management program for the efficiency of its power grid, including photovoltaic plant generation, renewable energy consumption, and actions for the efficiency and improvement of consumption habits.
  • Safer Pharma

    The healthcare sector needs to lead a change in the way we produce, use and dispose of medicines. It means concerted action to ensure drugs, including antibiotics, are only ever prescribed when truly needed.
    Pharmacist selecting a medicine from the pharmacy inventory
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Hospital Jesus Zerbini, Brazil

    This study includes actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as eliminating the use of nitrous oxide as an anesthetic gas, reducing energy consumption with the actions implemented to achieve ISO 50001 certification, and replacing a computed tomography machine.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - San Rafael de Pasto Hospital, Colombia

    This case study highlights the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in hospital industrial processes through the substitution of fuels and the use of renewable energy for laundry drying; a process optimization measure targeted at reducing occupational risks and environmental impacts.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Hospital Clínica Bíblica, Costa Rica

    Anesthetic gases represent 15% of the hospital's overall carbon footprint, thus the importance of reducing their use and finding alternatives to minimize the environmental footprint associated with the process. This case study comprises all of the hospital’s operating rooms, including those at headquarters and the Santa Ana branch.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Aravind Eye Hospital, India

    This case study highlights the implementation of energy conservation measures and use of renewable energy to increase efficiency. It also shows how the carbon footprint of Aravind Eye Care was calculated using the climate impact checkup tool to show a 33% reduction from 2018 to 2022.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Sunway Medical Centre Velocity, Malaysia

    Sunway Medical Centre Velocity (SMCV) is the first hospital in Malaysia to commit to Race to Zero by 2050. SMCV started to monitor carbon emissions via the climate impact checkup tool. Sustainability initiatives are implemented within the hospital according to the 10 Global Green and Healthy Hospitals interconnected goals, which have impacted the health promotion of our employees.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Centro Médico ABC, Mexico

    Implementation of actions targeted at reducing the climate footprint (and consequently the health impacts associated with climate change), including the consumption of energy from clean sources and the substitution of diesel with natural gas as fuel in boilers.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Sindhuli Hospital, Nepal

    This case study reflects the health care waste management innovation of Health Environment and Climate Action Foundation (HECAF360) under the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sustainable Development Goal (WASH SDG) Innovation Fund in partnership with the local Plan International Nepal and the Health Care Without Harm network. This project has installed safe, sustainable health care waste management with smart autoclaving technology that incorporates remote monitoring devices. This system prevents open waste burning and keeps waste from going to the landfill, which reduces greenhouse gasses such as methane and carbon dioxide.
  • Climate Learning Initiative - Mary Johnston Hospital, Philippines

    This case study highlights Mary Johnston Hospital’s energy solutions in response to the global call for environmental stewardship. It will also discuss the challenges, opportunities, and outcomes from each phase of the projects.

    The summary is based on the initiative's implementation, which ran from January 2022 to May 2023.